4-C: Community Coordinated Child Care

Online Webinar

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Events at this venue

Intentional Onboarding of New Staff

Online Webinar

As a center director, manager, or home care owner who onboards new staff, it is important that an intentional and standard system is followed to ensure all staff receive the same information.  In this training, we will go over important pieces of onboarding including getting to know your new staff member, providing information about your […]

Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, and Sexual Assault: Assistance Through Knowledge

Online Webinar

This training explains the basics of how domestic violence affects children and how to identify and report child abuse.  Participants will also learn about sexual assault and the rights of sexual assault survivors. Trainer: Nia Norris, Director of Prevention and Communication, Safe Passage Audience: All Providers 2 Training Hours; Level of Learning: Introductory Fee: Non […]

Strengthening Business Practice for Family Child Care

Online Webinar

This training addresses basic concepts in fiscal and operational management of family child care providers. The purpose is to strengthen the family child care provider's foundational knowledge of fiscal terms, concepts and practices. It provides tips and best practices in fiscal, organizational, and financial goals and human resource documents in order to help break down […]

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round-The School Age Children Are Here

Online Webinar

Does your program provide care for children before and after school, during school breaks, and over the summer?  There are many benefits and challenges of caring for school age children but have no fear. It is possible to operate a successful program.  School age children have different needs than our younger children and having a […]

Strengthening Business Practice for Family Child Care

Online Webinar

This training addresses basic concepts in fiscal and operational management of family child care providers. The purpose is to strengthen the family child care provider's foundational knowledge of fiscal terms, concepts and practices. It provides tips and best practices in fiscal, organizational, and financial goals and human resource documents in order to help break down […]

Addressing Challenging Behaviors with School Age Children

Online Webinar

This training will talk about why children exhibit challenging behaviors and how to address those behaviors when they occur. Trainer: Anni Reinking, Consultant Audience: All Providers Caring for School Age Children and Youth 2 Training Hours; Level of Learning: Introductory Fee: Non 4-C Members: $10 4-C Members: Free

Tax and Recordkeeping for Family Child Care Providers

Online Webinar

Does keeping up with current tax laws as it relates to self-employed business practices seem overwhelming? Learn what it means to be self-employed, how to trace income and expenses, and what business expenses can be deducted. Gain other useful resources for tax planning. Trainer: Mike Allen, Certified Public Accountant Audience: All Family Child Care Providers 2 Training […]

Brave Conversations: Talking to Kids About Race

Online Webinar

This training offers participants a space to reflect upon their comfort level in responding to children's questions and comments about race. We will address the value of teachable moments and brave conversations to advance the cause of racial equity and will include examples and guidance in responding to children's natural curiosities about physical differences. Trainers: Andrea […]

Nurturing Nature: Incorporating Nature to Support Neurodevelopment

Online Webinar

Why are outdoor play and experiences in nature important to a child's development? The training provides a look at practices and activities to support healthy neurodevelopment. Participants will explore basic neurodevelopment and how to incorporate outdoor experiences to support social-emotional development. Trainer: Shannon Kaecker, Clinical Director, Adventure Works Audience: All Providers 2 Training Hours; Level of […]

Building Together: Leveraging Community for Greater Equity…New Birth to Five Initiatives in Illinois

Online Webinar

What does reimagining a more equitable Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) system look like?  Who should be involved? Come learn about Birth to Five Illinois, which has been given the task to create a statewide regional infrastructure that will allow more input from communities in the development of policies and funding priorities!  ECEC providers […]

Combating Burnout through Resilience and Self-Compassion

Online Webinar

Child care professionals naturally focus intently on meeting the needs of the children and families they serve.  Unfortunately, when they care for others but neglect themselves they risk experiencing stress and burnout.  This training highlights the importance of cultivating resilience and self-compassion as a way to combat stress and burnout. Trainer: Andrea Cossey, 4-C Early Childhood […]

But I Always Say Thank You!–Showing and Receiving Appreciation Successfully

Online Webinar

Being appreciative and showing appreciation can benefit employees, co-workers, and your organization as a whole. Learn why showing appreciation is essential to job satisfaction and retention of employees while also learning ways of showing appreciation that matter without spending a bundle. Trainer: Jennifer Schwartz, 4-C Training and Technical Assistance Coordinator Audience: All Providers 2 Training Hours; Level […]