4-C: Community Coordinated Child Care

Program Planning

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Intentional Onboarding of New Staff

Online Webinar

As a center director, manager, or home care owner who onboards new staff, it is important that an intentional and standard system is followed to ensure all staff receive the same information.  In this training, we will go over important pieces of onboarding including getting to know your new staff member, providing information about your […]

Navigating in the Early Childhood System for New Center Hires and New Home Care Providers

4-C Office, DeKalb location 444 E Hillcrest Dr, DeKalb, Illinois

Most new early childhood professionals came to their job because they like children and want to have an impact with their development. But many of the first steps for a new hire in the field are met with paperwork, setting up training accounts, understanding safe systems, etc.  Also, many managers are stretched thin that their […]

**New Training!** The New Professional’s Quick Start Guide to the CCR&R System

Most new early childhood professionals came to their job because they like children and want to have an impact with their development. But many of the first steps for a new hire in the field are met with paperwork, setting up training accounts, understanding safe systems, etc.  Also, many managers are stretched thin that their […]

An Introduction to Contracts and Policies for Family Child Care Providers

Online Webinar

Do you need to write your first contract and policy for your family child care program? Do you have a contract and policy but are wondering if it has everything you need? In this workshop we will identify the difference between contracts and policies, give examples of what goes into contracts and policies, and apply […]

An Introductions to the Environmental Rating Scales (including ECERS-3)

Shah Center, McHenry 4100 W Shamrock Lane, McHenry, IL, United States

This training is for center-based programs and family child care providers and offers an overview of the Environment Rating Scales.  The Environment Rating Scales are user-friendly assessment tools that measure the quality of the learning environment for infants through school-age children.  After completing this training, participants will be able to use the tool(s) for program […]

What Does the Suspension and Expulsion Law Really Mean?

Online Webinar

While the Illinois Suspension and Expulsion Bill has been around for many years, there are still questions in the field.  In this training, we will discuss the Bill's intention, what it says, and how we use it in practice.  Come with questions and experiences! You are welcome to send questions ahead of time to annw@four-c.org and […]

An Introduction to Contracts and Policies for Child Care Centers

Online Webinar

Do you need to write your first contract or policy for your Center? Do you have an existing contract or policy but are wondering if it has everything you need? In this training we will identify the difference between contracts and policies, give examples of what goes into them and apply the information to new […]

Emergency Preparedness

Online Webinar

Emergencies and disasters are unpredictable, chaotic, and can leave a lasting impact on our child care, families, and communities.  If we are prepared for emergencies and disasters, we can feel more capable of handling them and recovering from them.  In this training, we will discuss the emergency plan cycle, types of emergencies and disasters, and […]

An Introduction to Contracts & Policies for Family Child Care

Online Webinar

Contracts and policies can be two of the most important documents to have in a program.  Family child care providers who enforce well written contracts and policies may find they are able to eliminate potential conflicts with parents.  This informative training will be a stepping stone for family child care providers looking to start or […]

Succession Planning: Future Proofing for Smooth Leadership Transitions

McHenry County Mental Health Board Crystal Lake, IL

A training guiding high level Nonprofit Leaders through the succession planning process to help identify and develop future leaders for your organization and ensure a smooth and painless transition of leadership. This training will be geared towards Administrators and Board members. Those registering wanting to earn Gateways credit should utilize the typical 4C registration process. […]

Succession Planning: Future Proofing for Smooth Leadership Transitions

Sycamore Park District Community Center 480 Airport Rd, Sycamore, IL, United States

A training guiding high level Nonprofit Leaders through the succession planning process to help identify and develop future leaders for your organization and ensure a smooth and painless transition of leadership. This training will be geared towards Administrators and Board members. Those registering wanting to earn Gateways credit should utilize the typical 4C registration process. […]

Hey, Why is that Lady in a Wheelchair?: Disability Awareness for Young Children

Online Webinar

Young children are naturally curious...they're supposed to be.  We want them to be and that's how they learn. So how to we nurture that curiosity in situations where they encounter something or someone new and different from them? Participants will discuss and explore new ways to "normalize" disabilities so the curiosity becomes natural interaction. We […]