Emergencies and disasters are unpredictable, chaotic, and can leave a lasting impact on our child care, families, and communities. If we are prepared for emergencies and disasters, we can feel more capable of handling them and recovering from them. In this training, we will discuss the emergency plan cycle, types of emergencies and disasters, and […]
Contracts and policies can be two of the most important documents to have in a program. Family child care providers who enforce well written contracts and policies may find they are able to eliminate potential conflicts with parents. This informative training will be a stepping stone for family child care providers looking to start or […]
A training guiding high level Nonprofit Leaders through the succession planning process to help identify and develop future leaders for your organization and ensure a smooth and painless transition of leadership. This training will be geared towards Administrators and Board members. Those registering wanting to earn Gateways credit should utilize the typical 4C registration process. […]
A training guiding high level Nonprofit Leaders through the succession planning process to help identify and develop future leaders for your organization and ensure a smooth and painless transition of leadership. This training will be geared towards Administrators and Board members. Those registering wanting to earn Gateways credit should utilize the typical 4C registration process. […]