This training will talk about why children exhibit challenging behaviors and how to address those behaviors when they occur. Trainer: Anni Reinking, Consultant Audience: All Providers Caring for School Age Children and Youth 2 Training Hours; Level of Learning: Introductory Fee: Non 4-C Members: $10 4-C Members: Free
Does your program provide care for children before and after school, during school breaks, and over the summer? There are many benefits and challenges of caring for school age children but have no fear. It is possible to operate a successful program. School age children have different needs than our younger children and having a […]
Group care introduces special considerations in caring for infants and toddlers and six program policies that support the development of emotionally secure relationships and mental health in the group care setting. An overview of the content of Module 2 explores the ideas of primary care, well-designed learning environments, positive impact of responsive caregiving routines, and […]