This training will explore the subjects of cultural identity and bias and consider how they impact communication and relationship building in the early childhood setting. The training promotes self-reflection for the purpose of increasing self-awareness of personal bias and for improving communication with co-workers, children, and parents in the early childhood setting. Trainer: Maureen McMurrough, […]
Social-Emotional Growth and Socialization explores topics on social-emotional development in the first three years, temperaments of children and caregivers, socialization, guidance and discipline, environments, and gaining an understanding of children’s behavior. Training will begin with an overview of the basic concepts of early social-emotional growth and socialization and their application to the group care context. […]
Learn to help children who are exhibiting fears, worries, and anxiety. Learn how to be a supportive caregiver while regulating yourself and not pushing a child too far while balancing the need to challenge them into some uncomfortable situations. Trainer: Andrea Cossey, MSW, 4-C Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant Audience: All Providers 2 Training Hours; Level […]
An introduction to the 40 Developmental Assets that support positive youth development. Participants will learn and apply research regarding factors contributing to resilient youth and communities to reduce impacts of trauma on youth and families. Trainer: Shannon Kaecker, Clinical Director, Adventure Works Audience: All Providers 2 Training Hours; Level of Learning: Introductory Fee: Non 4-C Members: […]