4-C: Community Coordinated Child Care

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Program for Infant Toddler Care (PITC) Module 4: Culture, Families, and Providers

April 25, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm

This training focuses on culture and its implications for families and providers. Participants will learn how family experiences, knowledge, and childrearing beliefs and practices can be incorporated into early care and classroom settings. Cultural expectations and biases will be explored, and participants will have an opportunity to increase their cultural awareness in terms of how their assumptions may affect their interaction with young children and families. Participants will demonstrate their understanding of how family structures, diversity in social, cultural, linguistic, or religious backgrounds influence family approaches to parenting in children birth to three, each other, and the community. Participants will gain and understanding of how relationships among caregivers, infant/toddlers, and families can impact other child-family, child-practitioner, and practitioner-family relationships. **This is a hybrid training and participants must complete the face to face session and online assessment to receive credit.**

Trainer: Stephanie Bentley, Joyful Insights, Child Development Consultation & Trainings

Audience: All Providers Caring For Infants, Toddlers, and Twos

8 Training Hours; Level of Learning: Intermediate

Free Training

Office Closure

Due to building maintenance, 4-C will be closed to in-person services on Thursday, March 20th and Friday, March 21st.

In-person services will resume on Monday, March 24th. Business hours are Monday – Thursday 8 to 5; and Friday 8-12.
