About Our Agency
4-C is a private not-for-profit social service agency that for more than 50 years has helped families and child care providers by offering services and resources that include Child Care Financial Assistance, Resource and Referral for Child Care, Parent and Provider Professional Development, the Child Care Food Program, Family Support as well as nursing, social work, mental health, Quality and Infant Toddler Specialists. The agency also advocates on behalf of children, families and Early Care and Education Providers.
Mission Statement
The 4-C mission is to promote children’s well-being by advocating for quality, affordable, accessible child care. We support families and those providing child care by offering information, education, resources and services.
Vision Statement
The 4-C vision is that all children will be nurtured in healthy, supportive environments, growing to become contributing members of their communities and capable of nurturing children.
Advocacy for Children and Families
4-C advocates for children by monitoring legislation which affects them. We believe that engaging as many individuals as possible in fact-based advocacy is the best way to ensure budgets, laws, policies, services and practices to meet the needs of children and families in our communities. 4-C staff members make phone calls, send emails, write letters and when possible make appointments to meet with new legislators to introduce themselves and share hopes and concerns for young children and families. We encourage others to do the same and stay engaged with those elected officials we already know. We encourage families, providers and anyone with a stake in high-quality early care and education to get involved. Advocates are people that care passionately about an issue and take action to create meaningful change. Advocating for accessible, affordable and quality child care policies and programs means brighter futures for children and economic stability for working families.
Find your legislator
4-C is a member of Illinois Action for Children, a statewide advocacy leader for children, families and providers of child care. For additional information visit their website at www.actionforchildren.org.
4-C Membership
4-C’s commitment to the community is for every family to have access to reliable, quality child care. Please consider donating to help us achieve our mission. Your gift is extremely important because it offers immediate resources that are directed to current needs and opportunities for families. Your generous gift will help families and child care professionals in our community to nurture and challenge young minds to love reading, live with laughter, engage in the sciences, appreciate the arts, make healthy food choices and become compassionate citizens. We actively advocate for the well-being of all our children turning statistics into successes.
Contact 4-C if you would like more information about becoming a 4-C member or click here for Membership Brochure.
4-C Office Closures
- New Year’s Day
- Dr. Martin Luther King’s Observed Birthday
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Indigenous Peoples Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Day After Thanksgiving
- Christmas Eve Day
- Christmas Day
4-C Funding Partners
Thank you to our funders for continuing to believe in the work of 4-C and for helping us to continue providing comprehensive services. We are proud of our diverse funding base and look forward to a continued partnership as we work together for the betterment of children and families.
- Illinois Department of Human Services (DHS)
- Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE)
- Kishwaukee United Way
- Genoa-Kingston United Way
- The Greater United Way of McHenry County
- Organizations
- Private Donors
4-C Annual Report
The 4-C Annual Report is a year in review of the programs and services offered in the agency service delivery area. The most recent Annual Report is available by clicking the following: 4-C Annual Report.
4-C Board of Directors
4-C is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. Individuals who represent the communities we serve.
Robert Heck
Vice Chairperson:
Larry Apperson
Other Members:
Julie Craig
Sandee Plescia
Melanie Magara
Anastasia Tsiagalis
Erica Walker
Erin Brady
Christopher Jean