Providers caring for approved CCAP families will receive a Child Care Certificate at the end of each month. Providers complete the Child Care Certificate with the families. Both the parent and provider sign and date the Certificate. Providers can turn in the Certificate to 4-C after the month of service is over (first day of the following month). The Certificate goes through the process below.
- CCAP specialists receive the Child Care Certificate and enter it into the payment system.
- Payment entry is transferred to the DHS voucher unit in Springfield.
- DHS voucher unit reviews and confirms the payment entry.
- Payment entry is vouchered and sent to the Comptroller’s office.
- Comptroller’s office will release the payment to the provider in check, direct deposit or debit card form.
Faster & Convenient & Secure Ways to Receive Payments
- Family child care providers can get their payments quicker by using the IDHS Child Care Telephone Billing system. Instead of mailing the certificate to 4-C the provider enters their payment over the phone. Contact the CCAP department to receive a Telephone Billing Agreement form. Send the completed form back to us.
- To receive your payments through direct deposit contact the Illinois Comptroller’s Office at 1-217-557-0930. You will need to receive at least one paper check prior to setting up for direct deposit.
- To sign up for the Illinois Debit MasterCard for your payments click here
To Check on Provider Payments
- DHS provider payment line 1-800-804-3833 or click here
- Daily provider updates 1-217-524-9041
- Visit Illinois Comptroller’s website click here