The 4-C: Community Coordinated Child Care, Infant Toddler Child Care Specialist offers training, resources, and support to child care providers who work with children from birth to three years of age.
Services offered by our Infant Toddler Child Care Specialist include but are not limited to:
- Serves both center and home child care providers caring for children ages 0-36 months in DeKalb, McHenry, Lee, Ogle, Whiteside, and Carroll counties.
- Provides on-site consultations, observations and resources.
- Assists with classroom management, scheduling, transitions, classroom improvement plans, and other topics.
- Promotes healthy infant and toddler development.
- Encourages positive daily interactions.
- Presents the Program for Infant Toddler Care (PITC) Training Series and other training opportunities.
Contact the Infant Toddler Child Care Specialist at 815-758-8149 x222 or Email
The Infant Toddler Child Care Specialist does not monitor or investigate child care programs. Any visits to child care programs are to provide consultation, technical assistance, resources and support.
Funded by the Illinois Department of Human Services, Illinois Division of Early Childhood